Money Kit is a set of scripts that help you manage your in game economy. It can handle numbers into the vigintillions! Build your next tycoon game and more with Money Kit.
All Entities! Any entity in your game can get involved. Attach the MK_Entity script to your players, NPCs, banks, quests, chests, stores, side shops, or the master game manager. Any entity can hold, send and receive money.
Wallets! Track your game money using wallets. Any entity in your game can have multiple wallets. Give wallets to your players, NPCs, side shops, quests, banks, etc.
Multiple Currencies! Money Kit supports multiple currencies. Support your players need for gold, diamonds, points, wood, stone or anything else you can dream of.
Calculate Interest! Built in support for accounts between entities. Create savings accounts for the player to deposit money that earns them interest. Setup loans with simple or compounded interest!
Jobs! Built in support for jobs with recurring transfers from one wallet to another.
Crafting! Built in support for crafting with recipes. You supply the balances and quantities required for the recipe and Money Kit will handle the crafting logic.
Automation! Money Kit can manage many aspects of your economy from time cycles, automatic interest calculation and automatic job payments. Just set some settings and let the system take care of the rest.